Saturday 17 September 2011

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe", a part limited in time and space -- Albert Einstein

What is true to you? What is the most real to you?

Everyone has their different perceptions on what rings true to them or what they see as being important. Even physical reality can appear to be a unique experience for the individual as it is interpreted via one's own internal lenses. For example, you may recall having referred to something you had seen as blue while another person corrected you and called it green, and none of you is a colour-blind. So you see, there can possibly be different variations for the same object, as what we see is coloured by what we believe in and what we project onto them.

Astrologically and psychologically speaking, every person has certain innate predispositions thereby affecting or influencing the attitudes and quality of their experiences. This is explained by the great psychologist C.G.Jung as people attributing to different archetypes, or in astrology, this would be associated with the predominance of an element in a natal chart. (Fire - motivated by actions and new beginnings, Earth - value possessions and security, Air - rely on logical thinking and rationalisation, Water - driven by emotions and the urge to blend and merge)

Before we go on any further, I would like to point out the things about astrology which you may have been falsely lead to believe. It is a valuable tool to be used for gaining further understanding on the self, and can also become great assistance in uncovering or revealing potentials, motives and unconsciousness. There is nothing which can absolutely accurately predict the future as we do have our free wills. Or perhaps as C.G.Jung put it "Free will is doing gladly and freely that which one must do", because we cannot deny that perhaps sometime only looking back we then realise that there is a reason behind and things work out the way as planned. In unimaginable ways, people are interconnected and intertwined as we all exist in the same yet ever changing Universe.

Jumping back to predispositions, an example would be that if you always perceive your mother to be controlling, it is possible that she may not be that type of person, yet your unconscious bias towards her makes her act out that part of herself since what we are not aware of which we project onto others. And consequently, because of your belief so that will be what you experience through her, and the times when she acts controlling will particularly register with you therefore further confirming your belief. Conversely, a strong like or dislike may not even arise if you have not personally experienced it. If you see certain behaviours in others which make you upset or angry, then it may be time to find those disturbance within yourself. I remember saying to a friend a long time ago that I really dislike someone being late, and it was only later that I realised that it is a part of me that I disowned and refused to change.

I guess we shouldn't underestimate the power of our own creation.

Is there really a higher order at work then? Are we really being looked after by the Universe? 

There are people who have a fear in acknowledging that there are things which are just outside of their control, or there are destinies or paths which cannot be altered. Opening up to this idea may possibly mean that they will have to throw out their old believes and their total reliance on the self. At the same time, there are others who incline towards this because they want to belong to something larger, they want to believe that we are not just all here by accident, there is a purpose to all that which we experience and a deeper meaning to our own existence. This may help them to transcend from the seemingly mundane world into a perhaps higher reality of spirituality, but at the same time they run the risk of being too optimistic and not taking enough responsibilities for their own actions. 

What we perceive to be true is relative and there is no objective truth.

However, what is important is to get to know yourself, embrace and accept both the "good" and "bad" (again, all relative), do not deny or condemn any parts of you, and only through that, you become free to be and grow.


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