Monday 19 September 2011

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. -- Alice Morse Earle

I have a question. Do you think only the present is what truly matters? 

I have briefly touched on the concept of predisposition in the previous blog. Based on different personality types, it is not difficult to notice that some of us prefer to live in the possibilities presented by the future, some choose to dwell on the past, and while some can better remain in the here and now.

This can also be linked to the three modes of expression or Quadruplicities explained in astrology: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable.

Cardinal signs include Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. They indicate and symbolise for new beginnings with each governing or representing a different sphere of life. Initiations and starting new things are connotations for these signs. They are forward looking. 

Fixed signs include Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius. They are characterised by stability and security. They are concerned with maintaining something (whether it be a house, a person or an idea, etc), and they do not like to upset the status quo.

Mutable signs include the remaining 4 zodiac signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Their emphasis is on adaptability and accepting changes as they come. 

We can draw the connection of the three different modes with future, past and present.

However, before you jump into conclusion basing on the above and yell out 'This is all wrong, it doesn't describe me!', you need to note that by solely looking at your Sun sign(based on your birth month) is not sufficient in deriving an accurate picture of your personal orientation. A closer look must be done involving all the other planets(Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and pluto). For example, you may be an Aries who is supposedly happy about initiating changes, however if you have a stellium (a group of planets) in a fixed sign, then you may be likely to dis-identify the qualities of your Sun sign and be reluctant about making changes.

And the point to that is also, maybe there isn't just one group you can relate to, there maybe two or even three. I know that myself vacillate an awful lot between all three. There are times that I go along and accept that whatever comes is meant to happen, and times that I still hold onto things or people that have perhaps long passed their purpose, and also other times that I rush into decisions for the sake of changing for no apparent reason. 

So the question is, are we guaranteed happiness and contentment by living only in the present?

And is it even possible to live in the present at all times?

I believe, and as obvious as it sounds, on a timeline, past, present and future represent the full cycle required for development and integration.

If we only look for the future to bring us what we desire, we may not fully appreciate what we have now, and we undervalue our responsibilities in improving ourselves and the lessons to be gained by understanding past patterns and behaviours. We neglect our own roles in bringing the necessary changes, therefore delaying the desired outcome.

If we only cling onto the past and cannot live in the present for any current situations, we run the risk of going down a spiral of negativity. We will feel empowered by all our past actions and be left with no faith in a brighter future. Well, if we don't believe if something good will happen, it most likely won't.

If we only live in the present or at least try to only concentrate on the present, we may forever live in a constant state of flux and in the end be left unsatisfied with what have not been achieved. We can let external circumstances dominate us if we do not take any opportunity in understanding the Self. The past gives us a sense of where we come from, the future gives us a sense of where we are going, both are needed for us to learn and grow, and to help us to make the best choices and decisions in the Now.

Looking into the past requires courage, looking into the future requires optimism and living in the present requires acceptance. It is tough, but I believe we need to learn to integrate all three. And maybe we just need to realise that we live in this perpetual dilemma. But maybe just by being aware of this may as well be the beginning we need.


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